My dreaded colonial heritage.
From Enid Blyton to Beatrix Potter
my idylls lie distant in Yorkshire.
So mush of me lives Anglo.
My dreaded white inheritance.
From Laura Ashley to Marks & Spencer
my istanas all built in Windsor.
So, mush of me
Really I am Malaysian,
Ceylonese, Tamil,
Anglophile, All.
Mingled by history
not choice.
So, mush of me
My outfits all merge
and combine.
From kurungs of kashmere
to kain batik ballgowns,
my palate eats roast beef
with rice.
So mush of me
mixed up,
that spans a globe.
From Perth to Papua
Toronto to Trent,
my saudaras
by boat and by flight.
So mush of me is
Malaysian, Ceylonese
My anglicised fancies
in tempatan dreams
make mush
in so mush of me.
(c) Charlene Rajendran 1999
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